Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Fron Heater Channel Rot (continued...)

Last I posted, I was repairing the front section of the heater channels. I finished the inside and it is structurally sound. Next I had to repair the toe board and firewall area where the heater channel is welded in. Below is a picture of the drivers side after removing most of the rot. The size of the hole after cutting out all of the bad metal was roughly 6"x6".

First I focused on repairing the inner section, where the heater channel actually goes into the firewall. I tabbed the ends to allow a mating surface to weld to the firewall. This will make it as strong as new.

After getting everything all welded inside, I cut and welded in the front section for the firewall. I failed to get a closeup picture, but you can see the patch in the following picture. The green is putty that I used to seal the weld seam. It is unnoticeable now.I'll leave it at that for this post. Much more to write and catch up on, but I will break it up into several posts.

See ya soon!

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